System Booster
System Booster.iso
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Text File
577 lines
*** normal.s Fri Nov 17 20:10:13 1995
--- tolleuhr.s Fri Nov 17 20:13:32 1995
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,27 ----
+ machine 68020
+ mc68020
; include stuff
include exec/types.i
*** 226,233 ****
lea 92(a2),a0
move.l d0,WbMsg(bp)
! fromCLI bsr main ; call main
! move.l WbMsg(bp),d2
beq.s 1$
move.l d2,a1
--- 234,243 ----
lea 92(a2),a0
move.l d0,WbMsg(bp)
! fromCLI btst #1,297(a6)
! beq.s 2$
! bsr main ; call main
! 2$ move.l WbMsg(bp),d2
beq.s 1$
move.l d2,a1
*** 361,368 ****
moveq #ItemCount-1,d2
4$ move.b (a2)+,0(a3) ; type
move.b (a2)+,d0
! ext.w d0
! ext.l d0
bmi.s 3$
bsr GetLocStr ; get localized string
3$ move.l d0,2(a3)
--- 371,377 ----
moveq #ItemCount-1,d2
4$ move.b (a2)+,0(a3) ; type
move.b (a2)+,d0
! extb.l d0
bmi.s 3$
bsr GetLocStr ; get localized string
3$ move.l d0,2(a3)
*** 881,900 ****
beq.s 1$
6$ moveq #$40,d0 ; while (!CTRL-C && !EndAll) {
lsl.w #6,d0
! move.l WinPort(bp),a1
! move.b 15(a1),d1
bset d1,d0
! move.l TimerPort(bp),a1
! move.b 15(a1),d1
bset d1,d0
! move.l AudioPort(bp),a1
! move.b 15(a1),d1
bset d1,d0
move.l AboutReq(bp),d1
beq.s 5$ ; no about requester
! move.l d1,a1
! move.l 86(a1),a1
! move.b 15(a1),d1
bset d1,d0
5$ CALL Wait,SysBase(bp)
btst #12,d0 ; CTRL-C ?
--- 890,904 ----
beq.s 1$
6$ moveq #$40,d0 ; while (!CTRL-C && !EndAll) {
lsl.w #6,d0
! move.b ([WinPort,bp],15),d1
bset d1,d0
! move.b ([TimerPort,bp],15),d1
bset d1,d0
! move.b ([AudioPort,bp],15),d1
bset d1,d0
move.l AboutReq(bp),d1
beq.s 5$ ; no about requester
! move.b ([86,d1.l],15),d1
bset d1,d0
5$ CALL Wait,SysBase(bp)
btst #12,d0 ; CTRL-C ?
*** 1237,1244 ****
moveq #$40,d0 ; GADGETUP
cmp.l d0,d2
bne.s 1$
! move.l color(bp),a0
! move.b d3,0(a0) ; set new color
bsr SetPattern
bsr Rahmen
bsr ZifferBlatt
--- 1241,1247 ----
moveq #$40,d0 ; GADGETUP
cmp.l d0,d2
bne.s 1$
! move.b d3,([color,bp]) ; set new color
bsr SetPattern
bsr Rahmen
bsr ZifferBlatt
*** 1256,1263 ****
cmp.l d1,d2
beq.s msgRefresh ; CASE REFRESHWINDOW
moveq #($100>>2),d1
! add.w d1,d1
! add.w d1,d1
cmp.l d1,d2
beq.s msgMenuPick ; CASE MENUPICK
add.l d1,d1
--- 1259,1265 ----
cmp.l d1,d2
beq.s msgRefresh ; CASE REFRESHWINDOW
moveq #($100>>2),d1
! lsl.w #2,d1
cmp.l d1,d2
beq.s msgMenuPick ; CASE MENUPICK
add.l d1,d1
*** 1327,1340 ****
move.w 32(a2),d3
moveq #$1f,d0
and.w d2,d0 ; MENUNUM
- add.w d0,d0 ; now index !
move.w d2,d1
lsr.w #5,d1
andi.w #$3f,d1 ; ITEMNUM
lsr.w #8,d2
lsr.w #3,d2
andi.w #$1f,d2 ; SUBNUM
! move.w menuTab(pc,d0.w),d0
jsr menuTab(pc,d0.w) ; execute CASE
bsr msgNewSize
bne.s msgMenuPick ; no error !
--- 1329,1341 ----
move.w 32(a2),d3
moveq #$1f,d0
and.w d2,d0 ; MENUNUM
move.w d2,d1
lsr.w #5,d1
andi.w #$3f,d1 ; ITEMNUM
lsr.w #8,d2
lsr.w #3,d2
andi.w #$1f,d2 ; SUBNUM
! move.w menuTab(pc,d0.w*2),d0
jsr menuTab(pc,d0.w) ; execute CASE
bsr msgNewSize
bne.s msgMenuPick ; no error !
*** 1347,1354 ****
! menuProject add.w d1,d1 ; now index !
! move.w projectTab(pc,d1.w),d1
jmp projectTab(pc,d1.w)
projectTab ADDCMD project,About,0
--- 1348,1354 ----
! menuProject move.w projectTab(pc,d1.w*2),d1
jmp projectTab(pc,d1.w)
projectTab ADDCMD project,About,0
*** 1381,1388 ****
! menuSettings add.w d1,d1 ; now index !
! move.w settingsTab(pc,d1.w),d1
moveq #1,d0
and.b 12(a2),d0 ; checked=item.Flags&CHECKED;
jmp settingsTab(pc,d1.w)
--- 1381,1387 ----
! menuSettings move.w settingsTab(pc,d1.w*2),d1
moveq #1,d0
and.b 12(a2),d0 ; checked=item.Flags&CHECKED;
jmp settingsTab(pc,d1.w)
*** 1633,1640 ****
10$ lea RPort2(bp),a1
CALL InitRastPort,GfxBase(bp)
moveq #0,d0
! move.l PubScreen(bp),a0
! move.b 189(a0),d0 ; BitMap.Depth
move.l Breit2(bp),d1
move.l Hoehe2(bp),d2
lea BitMap1(bp),a0
--- 1632,1638 ----
10$ lea RPort2(bp),a1
CALL InitRastPort,GfxBase(bp)
moveq #0,d0
! move.b ([PubScreen,bp],189),d0 ; BitMap.Depth
move.l Breit2(bp),d1
move.l Hoehe2(bp),d2
lea BitMap1(bp),a0
*** 1689,1695 ****
bne.s 1$
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! bsr LDiv ; sec = 59-sec%60
moveq #59,d0
sub.l d1,d0
1$ move.l d0,32(a2) ; tv_secs
--- 1687,1693 ----
bne.s 1$
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; sec = 59-sec%60
moveq #59,d0
sub.l d1,d0
1$ move.l d0,32(a2) ; tv_secs
*** 1700,1721 ****
move.w min(bp),d4 ; oldmin
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! bsr LDiv ; min = sec/60
exg.l d0,d2
moveq #60,d1
! bsr LDiv ; sec = sec%60
move.w d1,sec(bp)
move.l d2,d0
moveq #12,d1
! bsr LDiv ; std = min/12
move.l d0,d3
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! bsr LDiv ; min = min%60
move.w d1,min(bp)
move.l d3,d0
moveq #60,d1
! bsr LDiv ; std = std%60
move.w d1,std(bp)
move.w min(bp),d0
sub.w d4,d0 ; oldmin != min
--- 1698,1719 ----
move.w min(bp),d4 ; oldmin
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; min = sec/60
exg.l d0,d2
moveq #60,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; sec = sec%60
move.w d1,sec(bp)
move.l d2,d0
moveq #12,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; std = min/12
move.l d0,d3
move.l d2,d0
moveq #60,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; min = min%60
move.w d1,min(bp)
move.l d3,d0
moveq #60,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0 ; std = std%60
move.w d1,std(bp)
move.w min(bp),d0
sub.w d4,d0 ; oldmin != min
*** 1724,1731 ****
! SetAPen ext.w d0 ; set pen
! ext.l d0
move.l a2,a1
jmp _LVOSetAPen(a6)
--- 1722,1728 ----
! SetAPen extb.l d0 ; set pen
move.l a2,a1
jmp _LVOSetAPen(a6)
*** 1932,1943 ****
6$ move.l d4,d0
moveq #100,d1
add.w d1,d1
! bsr LDiv
move.l d0,0(sp) ; Breit2/200
move.l d5,d0
moveq #100,d1
add.w d1,d1
! bsr LDiv
move.l d0,4(sp) ; Hoehe2/200
move.l d2,d0
add.l 0(sp),d0
--- 1929,1940 ----
6$ move.l d4,d0
moveq #100,d1
add.w d1,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0
move.l d0,0(sp) ; Breit2/200
move.l d5,d0
moveq #100,d1
add.w d1,d1
! divul.l d1,d1:d0
move.l d0,4(sp) ; Hoehe2/200
move.l d2,d0
add.l 0(sp),d0
*** 1957,1968 ****
bsr AreaDraw
bra.s 4$
5$ swap d0 ; else { draw hour }
! lea dx1(pc),a3
! lea 0(a3,d0.w),a3 ; calc table entry
! lea pent(pc),a0
! move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d0
! lea Pens(bp),a0
! move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d0
bsr SetPens ; set apen + open
bsr MoveHour
bsr DrawHour
--- 1954,1962 ----
bsr AreaDraw
bra.s 4$
5$ swap d0 ; else { draw hour }
! lea (dx1,pc,d0.w),a3
! move.b (pent,pc,d0.w),d0
! move.b (Pens,bp,d0.w),d0
bsr SetPens ; set apen + open
bsr MoveHour
bsr DrawHour
*** 2047,2054 ****
SetOPen cmpi.w #39,20(a6) ; SetOPen v39+
bcs.s 1$
! ext.w d0
! ext.l d0
move.l a2,a0
jmp _LVOSetOutlinePen(a6)
1$ move.b d0,27(a2) ; SetOPen pre v39+
--- 2041,2047 ----
SetOPen cmpi.w #39,20(a6) ; SetOPen v39+
bcs.s 1$
! extb.l d0
move.l a2,a0
jmp _LVOSetOutlinePen(a6)
1$ move.b d0,27(a2) ; SetOPen pre v39+
*** 2064,2074 ****
lea RPort2(bp),a2
move.l Breit2(bp),d2
move.l Hoehe2(bp),d3
- lea handwidth(pc),a1
moveq #0,d1
move.b zeigerbreite(bp),d1
! add.w d1,d1
! move.w 0(a1,d1.w),d1
lea sinus(pc),a0
adda.w 0(a3),a0
move.b 60(a0),d7 ; y2
--- 2057,2065 ----
lea RPort2(bp),a2
move.l Breit2(bp),d2
move.l Hoehe2(bp),d3
moveq #0,d1
move.b zeigerbreite(bp),d1
! move.w (handwidth,pc,d1.w*2),d1
lea sinus(pc),a0
adda.w 0(a3),a0
move.b 60(a0),d7 ; y2
*** 2109,2116 ****
move.b zeigertyp(bp),d0
beq.s 1$
pea AreaEnd(pc) ; last area cmd
! add.w d0,d0
! 1$ move.w ZeigerTab(pc,d0.w),d0
jmp ZeigerTab(pc,d0.w)
ZeigerTab ADDCMD Zeiger,0,0 ; case line
--- 2100,2106 ----
move.b zeigertyp(bp),d0
beq.s 1$
pea AreaEnd(pc) ; last area cmd
! 1$ move.w ZeigerTab(pc,d0.w*2),d0
jmp ZeigerTab(pc,d0.w)
ZeigerTab ADDCMD Zeiger,0,0 ; case line
*** 2440,2453 ****
subq.w #4,a2 ; ttypes[k]
move.l d5,a3 ; buffer for sprintf
moveq #0,d0 ; TOP
- move.l WinPtr(bp),a1
moveq #0,d1
! move.w 6(a1),d1 ; window->TopEdge
bsr SetToolType
moveq #1,d0 ; LEFT
- move.l WinPtr(bp),a1
moveq #0,d1
! move.w 4(a1),d1 ; window->LeftEdge
bsr SetToolType
moveq #2,d0 ; WIDTH
move.l Breite(bp),d1
--- 2430,2441 ----
subq.w #4,a2 ; ttypes[k]
move.l d5,a3 ; buffer for sprintf
moveq #0,d0 ; TOP
moveq #0,d1
! move.w ([WinPtr,bp],6),d1 ; window->TopEdge
bsr SetToolType
moveq #1,d0 ; LEFT
moveq #0,d1
! move.w ([WinPtr,bp],4),d1 ; window->LeftEdge
bsr SetToolType
moveq #2,d0 ; WIDTH
move.l Breite(bp),d1
*** 2553,2560 ****
GetToolType lea tt_Tab(pc),a0 ; get ptr to tooltype
! add.w d0,d0
! adda.w 0(a0,d0.w),a0
SetStr move.l -4(a2),a3 ; make a string
--- 2541,2547 ----
GetToolType lea tt_Tab(pc),a0 ; get ptr to tooltype
! adda.w 0(a0,d0.w*2),a0
SetStr move.l -4(a2),a3 ; make a string
*** 2612,2619 ****
tst.b smarthour(bp)
beq.s 3$
moveq #24*2,d0
! add.w d3,d3
! add.w d3,d3
sub.w d3,d0
bra.s 3$
; if (chime==2 && (min==15 || min==30 || min==45))
--- 2599,2605 ----
tst.b smarthour(bp)
beq.s 3$
moveq #24*2,d0
! lsl.w #2,d3
sub.w d3,d0
bra.s 3$
; if (chime==2 && (min==15 || min==30 || min==45))
*** 2689,2696 ****
bsr.s EndTune ; free channels
3$ bra.s 1$
2$ st 0(a1,d1.w) ; audsent[reqnr]=1;
! add.w d1,d1
! add.w d1,d1
lea AudioIO+0(bp),a1
move.l 0(a1,d1.w),a1
move.w #3,28(a1) ; io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
--- 2675,2681 ----
bsr.s EndTune ; free channels
3$ bra.s 1$
2$ st 0(a1,d1.w) ; audsent[reqnr]=1;
! lsl.w #2,d1
lea AudioIO+0(bp),a1
move.l 0(a1,d1.w),a1
move.w #3,28(a1) ; io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
*** 2744,2751 ****
clr.w NewGad+16(bp) ; clear gadget id
move.b (a3)+,d4 ; gadget counter
4$ lea NewGad(bp),a2 ; structure to fill
! move.l WinPtr(bp),a0
! move.l 46(a0),a0 ; screen
moveq #0,d0 ; LeftEdge
move.b (a3)+,d0
add.b 36(a0),d0 ; screen->WBorLeft;
--- 2729,2735 ----
clr.w NewGad+16(bp) ; clear gadget id
move.b (a3)+,d4 ; gadget counter
4$ lea NewGad(bp),a2 ; structure to fill
! move.l ([WinPtr,bp],46),a0 ; screen
moveq #0,d0 ; LeftEdge
move.b (a3)+,d0
add.b 36(a0),d0 ; screen->WBorLeft;
*** 2816,2824 ****
GetLocStr move.l a6,-(sp) ; get localized string
lea LocaleTab(pc),a1
! add.w d0,d0
! add.w 0(a1,d0.w),a1 ; default !
! lsr.w #1,d0
move.l Catalog(bp),d1
beq.s 1$ ; no catalog !
move.l d1,a0
--- 2800,2806 ----
GetLocStr move.l a6,-(sp) ; get localized string
lea LocaleTab(pc),a1
! add.w 0(a1,d0.w*2),a1 ; default !
move.l Catalog(bp),d1
beq.s 1$ ; no catalog !
move.l d1,a0
*** 2913,2940 ****
- ; 32-bit division (only positive values!)
- LDiv move.l d3,-(sp)
- move.l d2,-(sp)
- move.w d1,d3
- move.w d0,d2
- clr.w d0
- swap d0
- divu.w d3,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- swap d0
- move.w d2,d1
- divu.w d3,d1
- move.w d1,d0
- clr.w d1
- swap d1
- move.l (sp)+,d2
- move.l (sp)+,d3
- rts
- ***************************************************************************
; static data
GadgetList dc.b $03,$80 ; GTYP_CLOSE
--- 2895,2900 ----
*** 3253,3259 ****
linefeed dc.b 10,0
dc.b '$VER: '
! ProgName dc.b 'TolleUhr 1.3 (18.5.95) by M.Fleischer and G.Nikl in 1993/95',0
fmt1 dc.b '%s=%ld',0 ; format templates for tooltypes
fmt2 dc.b '%s',0
--- 3213,3219 ----
linefeed dc.b 10,0
dc.b '$VER: '
! ProgName dc.b 'TolleUhr [020] 1.3 (18.5.95) by M.Fleischer and G.Nikl in 1993/95',0
fmt1 dc.b '%s=%ld',0 ; format templates for tooltypes
fmt2 dc.b '%s',0